Just An Old-Fashioned Hymn?

Good morning, everyone! Please stand, if you are able, and let’s sing hymn number one in our songbooks…and another morning worship service was underway. All of the hassle of the morning preparation was erased and now I could bask in some precious moments devoted solely to worship and praise, as I waited upon my Father to convict, to edify, and to comfort His child. And I certainly would not have to wait long for Him to work this morning, for before the first verse of this centuries-old hymn was completed, my eyes were already clouded with tears, and my thoughts were laser-focused upward.
My faith has found a resting place, Not in device nor creed; I trust the Ever-Living One, His wounds for me shall plead. If you never had the opportunity to sing this old-time tune, allow me to introduce to you the gifted woman who penned those powerful lyrics. Lidie H. Edmunds was the pen name of Eliza Edmunds Hewitt, born in my home state of Pennsylvania on June 28, 1851. A teacher by trade, Miss Hewitt would suffer a severe spinal injury brought about by the reckless action of a student. But being confined to a wheelchair would not hinder this godly teacher, who would continue to supervise Sunday school classes at her church and minister at the Northern Home for Friendless Children, an orphanage in the Philadelphia area. But what endears her to me is how she would enrich us with a legacy of powerful songs of the faith, More About Jesus, When We All Get to Heaven, and Sunshine in My Soul, among them. But as for me, My Faith Has Found a Resting Place will always be my favorite, because it was also the favorite of one of my early heroes of the faith.
When my husband and I were saved decades ago, we were mentored through those early days by a dear, elderly couple. Both were soft-spoken, the wife confined to a wheelchair after a bout with polio as a child. They were far from wealthy according to the world’s standards, but I can honestly attest to the fact that I never heard either of them complain about their meager status. They were gentle, kind, cheerful, encouraging, and faithful; they were everything that I wanted to be when I matured in the faith. When Mr. Francis used that soft voice to pray aloud, the spirit of God was mighty in the room, for it was as though that man was speaking to his dearest Friend. And you could count on it, during the course of every Pick Your Favorite Hymn sing-a-long night at that country church, this dear man would always request My Faith Has Found a Resting Place.
As I tried to fight off the lump in my throat and sing that song this morning, I thought of my dear hero, now standing in the presence of His Savior, for his faith has finally found its resting place; I thought of what it must be like for him to sing before the throne of glory, praising the One Who shed His holy, sinless blood for us; I allowed the deep words of that hymn to penetrate my soul…my faith and trust, resting upon that salvation through His blood; I wept.
Oh, the subject of salvation, in this era of political correctness, dare we impose our ‘opinion’ on others? Isn’t everyone entitled to develop their own conclusion, find their own path to God, embrace a you find your way and I’ll find mine mentality of sorts? But God clearly states in His Word that “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved,” and dear Eliza understood that doctrine well, and translated that thought into rich lyrics: I need no other argument, I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me. He is THE Way, the ONLY Way to the streets of gold! He is enough!
Music can be a controversial topic in our modern-day churches. Some believe that those old-fashioned hymns turn off the younger generation. Many hold that a more upbeat, contemporary sound is essential to draw that new generation to the Lord. But on this particular Sunday morning, God would use an old, doctrine-rich hymn to reach into the depths of my soul and bless His child. I’m so thankful that God placed those words on the heart of His servant so many years ago, and that those words still live on today for me to enjoy.
Enough for me that Jesus saves, That ends my fear and doubt. A sinful soul I come to Him, He’ll never cast me out.
My heart is leaning on the Word, The written Word of God. Salvation by my Savior’s name, Salvation through His blood.
My great Physician heals the sick, The lost He came to save. For me His precious blood He shed, For me His life He gave. L. H. Edmunds
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be be saved.
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Thanks for sharing your lovely thoughts on a beautiful hymn with such meaningful words!
My favorite, Mary Eva…but there are many others in the top five